Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Board Game Night

Life as a university student can be rough.
Aside from going to school from the am to pm, almost all my free time is dedicated to studying (and daydreaming about vacations).
That being said, I do get a window of opportunity occasionally to get drunk with my friends.  Thing is, when all you do is homework, there's no time to work for dough.  No dough means no money to spend means no expensive night out at the clubs with the homies!

The adult version-- which basically means there's alcoholic beverages involved.

and more specifically, JENGA!
With a twist though, cause that's just how adults do nowadays.

On each Jenga block, we wrote little things the player has to do if he/she happens to pick out that block to stack.  Not only does the player have to do the "dare", he/she must also successfully re-stack the block.  If the player fails, and the blocks goes Jenga!, the person has to drink a shot.

The "dares" can be something really simple:
Do 15 jumping jacks
Or something that crosses personal boundaries:
Take a body shot from the person beside you
Best thing about this game is you can play it for hours and every player gets a chance to humiliate themselves... and they won't even care because they'll be too intoxicated to notice!

When you're finished with Jenga, play Taboo.  It's hard enough trying to describe something without saying particular words, but doing so while you try not to slur?  Oh... good times!

Hope you guys have a great time kickin' it.

Until next time,
Bottoms Up!

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